Sunday, March 27, 2011

Story #8 - A Different Way to Live

Here's the next story! This one's pretty wacky. It might be the weirdest idea I've had so far. The basis of the idea was "someone who feeds on tears or needs tears to live". Originally it was going to be a horror story, but I decided against that approach. There's still a slightly horrific scene, though, because I wanted to try my hand at writing horror. What else... Well, here's a little trade secret - the name of the main character ("MC") was inspired by what I kept on calling him in my notes. Which was MC, short for main character. ;)

As always, thank you to the people who read and reviewed my previous story, and happy reading for this one!

Title: A Different Way to Live
Warnings: violence, creepiness
Summary: It's tough needing human tears to live when you don't like to make people cry.
Length: ~ 2,700 words
Notes: First point of view, present tense. Genre is supernatural, which might be the same as fantasy but I'm going to say it's different. ;)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Story #7 - Temporary Insanity

Alright, this week, I have another memoir. As the title would suggest, this memoir details a crazy moment in my life. In short, it's the time I decided to jump off a building (ziplining, don't worry, not suicide). I had maybe a bit too much fun with Random Capitalizations in this story. Let me know if I overdid it. Also, I really wasn't sure how to end it, so the ending is very abrupt. That's about it, I think... True story, all of this really happened. I don't mean any offense by any of the things I say... Disclaimer, disclaimer, etc. As always, thank you to everyone who read and/or reviewed my last story. I hope you enjoy this one! :)

Title: Temporary Insanity
Warnings: ...Risk-taking?
Summary: The story of when I decided to jump off Sky Tower in New Zealand.
Length: ~ 2,500 words
Notes: First point of view, mostly present tense but there might be some mix-ups. Genre is memoir and... kind of a mix between drama and humor, I guess.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Story #6 - Untitled

Right, so here I am with my sixth story! (Only 46 to go!) This one is fantasy, but it's not another world or anything like that. It's just because it's from the point of view of a puppy and the dogs talk to each other. I figured it was about time for an animal story. I'd really appreciate opinions on this one, because it was especially difficult to write. And as usual, thank you very much to everyone who commented/read my previous story. And please let me know if you spot any typos. :) Enjoy!

Title: Untitled (if anyone has any ideas, please let me know, I'm totally blank on this one)
Warnings: None
Summary: Shadow the puppy goes on a search for his Mama.
Length: ~ 2,400 words
Notes: Third person point of view, past tense. Genre is fantasy (talking animals).

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Story #5 - Missing

Alright, here's my fifth story. The story's unedited, so there's bound to be some embarrassing typos. Don't be shy - please point them out! The story's ending is pretty cliche and the motives are rather strange, but what can I say - sometimes people are strange. :) It turned out shorter than I thought it would be, but I didn't want to drag it out unnecessarily.

Title: Missing
Warnings: One cuss word and some brief kissing/groping
Summary: Nina's at her bachlorette party when someone knocks on the door. It's the police, and they come with worrying news - her fiance is missing.
Length: ~ 2,900 words
Notes: Third person point of view, present tense. Genre is mystery.

I'm going to put the Wordle up later (maybe tomorrow). Until then!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Still Alive (and Writing)

Gah... it's been a tough week for ideas. I usually try to post these "process posts" by Wednesday or Thursday, but this week, I was having a lot of trouble coming up with an idea. I went fishing for ideas, asking my parents and the people at my Ceramics table and friends in other classes... and I still couldn't find an idea I liked. Eventually, a suitable idea came to me as I was falling asleep. It wasn't very fleshed out but I knew I could make something of it. This was it - setting: bachelorette party. Event: the cops come.

It took me a while to figure out just what I was going to do with that idea. By now, I think I've got a fairly good plotline. I was going to write a kind of mystery story, but it's turning out to be more like romance. Ah, that's life, what can I say. ;)

So... for the usual details... genre romance/mystery, there's a bachelorette party involved, and the police. It should be a pretty light-hearted piece, but we'll see. :)

Also, a quick note on Wordle - thanks for the advice! I think I'll start doing it every fifth story or perhaps every month. (We're into my second month now!) So this week's story, you'll see the first Wordle!