Sunday, April 24, 2011

Story #12 - Three Little Words

Hi everyone! Man, I'm tired. I'm back home now, but I didn't get back 'till 2 AM. And now it's back to school already! Spring break sure passes quickly. Anyways, about this story - it's a true story about I not-so-great friend I had in elementary school. There's a bit of teen angst (even though technically I wasn't a teen in 6th grade). A huge thank you to everyone who commented on my previous story - I've never written horror before and I really appreciate the feedback. As always, I'd love feedback on this story too. Happy reading!

Title: Three Little Words
Warnings: depressing... bad friendship... negative feelings
Summary: "Today, I would finally do it. I'd finally say "I hate you" to my best friend of over six years."
Length: ~1,200 words
Notes: First person point of view, past tense. Genre is memoir, and inside of that, probably drama or angst.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Story #11 - Monsters and Demons

Hi, everybody! The travelling's going okay. Our plane got delayed a bit, but that gave me time to type up my entire story. I tried for all-out horror this time. It's not too gory, but I think it's rather creepy. I also experimented a bit with point of view and a slightly crazy narrator. Enjoy! :) Oh, and as always, a million thanks to those who have read and/or reviewed.

Title: Monsters and Demons
Warnings: creepiness, stalking, horror, murder, insanity (nothing too graphic on any of these, though)
Summary: An encounter between a killer and his victim.
Length: ~1,500 words
Notes: First person point of view, but also with a bit of second person ("you"). Present tense. Genre is horror.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Going Away

Hello everyone! I just thought I should let you all know that I'm going on vacation this week (it's my spring break). I'll be gone from tomorrow, April 17th, to next Sunday, April 24th. However, I should have internet access, so there shouldn't be any disruptions in the posting of stories. :)

As for this week's story - I have a lot of ideas floating around, but I haven't picked one to work on yet. So tomorrow's story will be a surprise to all of us!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Story #10 - Take My Hand

Hi everyone! This week's story is short, because I decided to try flash fiction - a short story under a thousand words. It was an interesting experience for me, because it ended up being pretty much all action and little backstory. I didn't really do any planning before writing this, and it was an exciting process watching the plot and characters unfold. I didn't know what was going to happen as I wrote it! :)

Title: Take My Hand (any better ideas, let me know)
Warnings: serious concepts (mostly death and destruction)
Summary: A moment of decision for two people.
Length: Exactly 999 words (not counting the words "the end")
Notes: First point of view, present tense. Genre is drama.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Story #9 - April Fool's!

I know it's not April Fool's Day today, but it's still the first week of April, so I figured this would count. I wanted to try out the diary format, so... this is written like a diary. Oh, and fun side note - one of the pranks featured in this story (the one with the cereal box cake) my family actually did, twice, with great success. You should try it next year if you're fond of April Fool's.

The misspellings and bad grammar in these entries are intentional. (The story starts when the girl is six!) However, if you see something that looks like a typo, let me know. As always, a huge thanks to anyone who read my previous story, and double thanks to those who commented! I hope you enjoy this one. It's pretty lighthearted. Here's the info:

Title: April Fool's!
Warnings: mischievousness?
Summary: Ten years of April Fool's jokes.
Length: ~ 2,300 words
Notes: First point of view, sort of a mix between past and present. Written in diary format. I have no idea what the genre is, so I'm going with drama.